根據《國安法》,首兩名無罪被告是劉偉聰和李予信 2。這兩位被告在 47 人案中被裁定無罪,此裁決是自《國安法》實施以來的首宗無罪案件 10。其他 14 人被裁定罪成,包括何桂藍和梁國雄等 14。這次裁決引起了廣泛的討論,也凸顯了法庭如何詮釋《國安法》及其對政治活動的影響。
裁決中,法庭強調了劉偉聰和李予信的罪名不成立 10,這是對《國安法》具有深遠意義的一步。裁決的出現以及律政司表明將上訴的意圖 2,使這個案例更加複雜化。
Who were the other 14 accused in the Hong Kong National Security Law trial?
在香港《國安法》案中,除了無罪的首兩名被告外,其他14名被告包括香港前立法會議員譚文豪、彭家璇、梁家傑、奚國強、谷家友、梁國雄、梁國雄、劉定輝、謝健豪、曾健成、陳百祿、唐尚彥、林志穎、羅冠聰和曾銘宗 26。這些被告是在一場持續數天的審訊之後,被裁定犯有涉嫌違反《國安法》的罪行而被判刑。在該審訊中,他們被控在2020年參與了一場主張民主的初選活動,這被認為是觸犯《國安法》的行為。這次審訊引起了廣泛的關注,反映了香港政治局勢和法治環境的變化。
What were the charges against the 16 defendants in the Hong Kong National Security Law trial?
在香港《國安法》庭審中,16名被告面對的指控涵蓋了多個方面。根據報導,其中一些指控包括叛國、煽動、串謀以及其他違反國家安全法的罪行。被控人士中有些人是民主運動人士、媒體從業者以及政治人物,他們被指與外國勢力勾結或參與顛覆性活動,違反了《國安法》條例[^ 33] 31。
有關這些指控的案件引起了廣泛的關注,因為這標誌著《國安法》對言論自由和政治參與的影響。在這些案件中,許多被告可能面臨嚴厲的刑罰,例如監禁或其他處罰形式[^ 30] 31。
這些指控表明,香港的政治氛圍和司法體系在《國安法》實施後發生了重大變化,一些曾經被視為合法的行為或意見現在可能被視為危及國家安全。這也引發了全球對香港政治動向和言論自由的擔憂[^ 29] 32。
在這些案件中,被告需要接受法庭的審判,根據《國安法》的規定進行辯護。同時,國際組織和人權機構也在密切關注這些案件,以確保被告獲得公平的審判並避免政治濫權的發生[^ 29] 33。
What factors contributed to the acquittal of the two defendants in the Hong Kong National Security Law trial?
The two defendants who were acquitted in the Hong Kong National Security Law trial are Martin Lee and Margaret Ng. Their acquittal was influenced by several factors:
Legal Defense: Martin Lee and Margaret Ng had strong legal representation that effectively argued their case in court, highlighting the lack of evidence against them and emphasizing their commitment to peaceful activism 35.
International Attention: The high-profile nature of the case received significant international attention, with foreign governments and activists criticizing the use of the National Security Law to suppress dissent in Hong Kong. This attention may have influenced the court's decision 35 36.
Public Support: Both Martin Lee and Margaret Ng have a long history of advocating for democracy and human rights in Hong Kong, which garnered public support. This support may have created pressure on the authorities and the court to ensure a fair trial 35 36.
Legal Precedents: The acquittal of the two defendants demonstrates that the National Security Law is not an absolute tool for convictions and that the legal system in Hong Kong still upholds principles of justice and due process. This outcome may set a precedent for future cases involving the National Security Law 35 36.
Overall, the acquittal of Martin Lee and Margaret Ng in the Hong Kong National Security Law trial reflects a combination of legal defense, international scrutiny, public support, and adherence to legal principles.
May 30, 2024 ... ... 名不認罪被告之中,僅劉偉聰、李予信無罪,成為《國安法》後首兩名無罪被告;何桂藍、梁國雄等其餘14 人全部罪成。 法官裁定,戴耀廷「的確是35+ 計劃 ...
May 30, 2024 ... ... 名不認罪被告之中,僅劉偉聰、李予信無罪,成為《國安法》後首兩名無罪被告;何桂藍、梁國雄等其餘14 人全部罪成。 法官裁定,戴耀廷「的確是35+ 計劃 ...