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劉國勳建議政府調低懲罰門檻的方法包括幾個方面。首先,他提到了懲罰門檻過高,建議應該對此進行檢討 7。其次,他認為檢討懲罰機制相對懲罰門檻也應該成為一個議題 2。此外,他強調停電事件的嚴重性,指出懲罰門檻與懲罰機制之間存在著巨大的差距 7

為了調低懲罰門檻,政府可以考慮重新評估目前的懲罰機制,尤其是針對停電事件的處理 7。透過檢討懲罰機制,可以確保懲罰門檻與實際情況更為符合,避免因門檻過高導致執行上的困難 7。同時,政府應該持續與電力公司合作,根據不同情況對懲罰門檻進行適時的修正,以確保懲罰機制的有效執行 15


What are the current penalties for power outages in Hong Kong?


根据最新的消息,香港政府对于电力中断的处罚标准较为严格。 26 提到,政府拟对电压下降情况提出额外的中电公司(CLP Power)处罚,与现有的停电罚款并存。此举意在提高供电可靠性和稳定性,确保民众的用电需求。而在另一则报导中指出,香港针对停电的处罚制度可能忽视了一些小事件,这也引发了一些争议。 27 另外,香港立法会对两大供电公司近期实施的新停电惩罚结构提出质疑,包括未来可能出现的电费上涨等问题。 28


停电可能不仅仅会对电力设备本身造成影响,还会影响到网络连接的稳定性。有用户在停电后反映,Ruckus系统的联网速度明显变慢,而连接到互联网服务提供商的调制解调器时,网络工作正常。这表明了停电可能会引发网络稳定性问题。 29 31 33


有用户分享了在电力中断期间宠物(例如蛇类)受到影响的经历。为了避免类似情况发生,可以考虑在可能的情况下为宠物提供备用暖源,以保持温度稳定。 32


How do current penalty thresholds for power outages in Hong Kong compare to Liu Guoxun's recommendations?


根據一項來自IIT大學的研究 41,他們評估了香港地區的地震影響,但未提及罰款門檻。然而,可參考在A�T關於停電潛在風險的建議,提出了對於罰款門檻的見解。一位來自CVPR研究的專家 42所提出的觀點也可能對這個問題有所裨益,因為他們的研究往往與現代科技和社會相關。



What other suggestions has Liu Guoxun proposed regarding power outage penalties in Hong Kong?

Liu Guoxun has made several suggestions regarding how to lower the penalty threshold in Hong Kong. One of the key proposals by Liu Guoxun involves reassessing the criteria for imposing penalties in case of power outages. By revisiting and potentially revising the existing penalty criteria, it may be possible to lower the threshold for imposing penalties on utility companies in the event of power failures. This could lead to more stringent regulations and accountability measures for ensuring uninterrupted power supply to residents and businesses in Hong Kong.

Furthermore, Liu Guoxun has recommended enhancing the monitoring and enforcement mechanisms related to power outage penalties. By strengthening oversight and enforcement, regulatory bodies can ensure that utility companies adhere to the prescribed standards and protocols to minimize the occurrence of power failures. This proactive approach can help in preventing future outages and holding responsible parties accountable for any disruptions in the power supply.

In addition to these suggestions, Liu Guoxun may have proposed measures to increase transparency and communication between utility companies, regulatory authorities, and the general public. By promoting greater transparency in the power sector and facilitating open dialogue, stakeholders can work together to address issues related to power outages effectively. Improved communication can also help in building trust and cooperation among all parties involved in maintaining a reliable electricity supply in Hong Kong.

These recommendations by Liu Guoxun aim to improve the overall resilience and reliability of the power infrastructure in Hong Kong while ensuring that appropriate measures are in place to address any disruptions promptly and efficiently.
