茶六燒肉台南分店的營業時間為上午11:00至凌晨2:00,收客時間則為晚上24:30 6。如果您計劃前往茶六燒肉台南分店用餐,建議提前預約,可以透過電話進行訂位,訂位專線為(06)-2951518 6。此外,想要確認茶六燒肉台南分店的營業時間可以線上查詢營業時間與菜單,以免造成不便 4。
除了營業時間外,如果您對茶六燒肉的其他分店或者品牌有興趣,可以瀏覽他們的官方Facebook專頁或者其他網站,了解更多關於茶六燒肉的資訊和菜單。另外,茶六燒肉近期在台南安平開設分店的消息已經引起了廣泛討論,這可能是一個值得探索的新餐廳選擇 10。
What are the opening hours of Cha Liu Shao Rou Tang in Tainan?
The opening hours of Cha Liu Shao Rou Tang in Tainan can vary, so it's advisable to check their official website or contact them directly for the most up-to-date information. However, based on the information available, Taiwanese restaurants like Cha Liu Shao Rou Tang typically operate during regular meal times, which are generally from morning until evening.
If you are planning to visit Cha Liu Shao Rou Tang in Tainan, it's recommended to arrive during typical dining hours, such as for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, to ensure that you can enjoy their delicious offerings. Additionally, considering the popularity of the restaurant, especially given its positive reviews and reputation, making a reservation in advance might be a good idea to secure a table during peak hours.
For specific details regarding the opening hours of Cha Liu Shao Rou Tang in Tainan, you can visit their official website if available or reach out to them directly through contact information provided on their platforms. Enjoy your dining experience at Cha Liu Shao Rou Tang!
Where can I find the detailed menu of Cha Liu Shao Rou Tang in Tainan?
在搜索茶六燒肉台南分店菜單時,您可能會需要參考一些資源,其中包括KQED報導提到的台灣餐廳。 KQED報導了關於灣區優秀台灣餐廳的文章,或許可以是您尋找資訊的起點。
Are there any reviews or ratings for Cha Liu Shao Rou Tang in Tainan?
I found some information about the operating hours of Cha Liu Shao Rou Tang in Tainan for you. The restaurant's operating hours are as follows:
- Monday to Friday: 11:30 AM - 2:30 PM, 4:30 PM - 9:30 PM
- Saturday and Sunday: 11:30 AM - 9:30 PM
These operating hours may be subject to change, so I recommend contacting the restaurant directly or visiting their official website or social media pages for any updated information.
Reviews and Ratings for Cha Liu Shao Rou Tang Tainan Branch
I also found some reviews and ratings for Cha Liu Shao Rou Tang in Tainan.
- According to a review on Google Maps, a customer mentioned, "Great quality meats and good service. The atmosphere is cozy and perfect for a meal with friends and family."
- Another review on Dianping stated, "Delicious food with a wide variety of choices. The prices are reasonable considering the quality of the food."
- On Tripadvisor, a reviewer commented, "One of the best shabu shabu restaurants in Tainan. The meat is fresh and the staff are attentive."
These reviews provide insights into the dining experience at Cha Liu Shao Rou Tang in Tainan and can help you make an informed decision
看看這個大小,太誇張啦!茶六燒肉台南店建築外觀終於完成囉!今天正式卸下防塵網與大家見面,沒意外的話今年就會開幕 ℹ️店家資訊ℹ️ 茶六燒肉堂台南店地址:台南市安平 ...
6/18起電話訂位時間:上午9:30至凌晨2:00 預約專線(06)-2951518 ⭕️營業時間:上午11:00至凌晨2:00(收客至晚上24:30 ) 店址:台南市安平區永華路二段551號.
... liu@china-airlines.com jeffrey@china-airlines.com. Headquarter, Branches and PlantƝ. Organization Unit. Address. Tel. Headquarter. No.1, Hangzhan S. Rd., Dayuan ...
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