What is the average temperature range in Hong Kong during this time of year?
在六月份,香港的氣溫範圍通常會在攝氏28至32度左右。根據 31AccuWeather的資料顯示,這個月的每日最高溫度平均約為32°C,而每日的最低溫度則約為28°C。香港六月的氣溫屬於炎熱多濕的夏季,對於不習慣高溫的人來說,可能需要更多的補水以及避免長時間暴露在陽光下。
在六月份,香港也是風暴多發的季節。有 27資料指出,六月份的香港平均降雨量高達456毫米(18英寸),而且整個月可能會有約18天的降雨天數。此外,每年約有30%以下的機會會發生颱風。因此在前往香港旅行時,建議隨時關注氣象預報,準備好雨具以應對可能的惡劣天氣狀況。
How does humidity influence temperature perception in Hong Kong?
在香港,潮濕度對溫度感知有著重要影響。潮濕度高會使人感到更加炎熱,因為濕氣會影響人體蒸發汗液的速度,進而減少身體散熱效果。研究指出,香港的夏季氣候炎熱潮濕,潮濕環境的存在對於人體熱感知有著明顯影響 41。據指出,在潮濕氣候區域,如香港,通常在工作場所提供空調以提高人體熱感知和工作效率 40。
此外,研究還發現,香港的人們對熱浪的感知風險不斷增加,這是由於高溫和高潮濕度對人體造成的影響 42。在潮濕環境中,人們對於熱度的感知快速增加,這可能導致熱應激的風險加劇 38。
而在城市的熱島效應越來越嚴重的情況下,香港的居民更容易受氣候變化的影響,進而增加了對不利健康影響的風險 45。因此,在香港的氣溫範圍中,潮濕度會直接影響人們對於環境溫度的感知和適應能力。
What are the historical temperature trends in Hong Kong over the past decade?
Hong Kong has experienced significant temperature changes over the past decade, with both warming trends and extreme weather events recorded in the region.
According to a report by the Hong Kong Observatory 47, global temperatures have been analyzed and placed into a historical perspective. The report highlighted that Hong Kong had its warmest year on record recently. Additionally, a study analyzing temperature changes in Hong Kong over the past 40 years found an increase in temperature trends over the years.
In 2018, Hong Kong faced extreme climate events like Typhoon Mangkhut, as reported by the World Resources Institute 49. This typhoon caused devastation in Hong Kong and the Philippines, indicating the impact of climate change on the region.
Moreover, a study on the urban heat island effect in Hong Kong 50 discussed how the urban area has become warmer over the years. It pointed out that the mean air temperature in Hong Kong's urban area has been increasing, with a trend likely to persist.
What is the current temperature range in Hong Kong today?
As of today, you can check the real-time weather information or forecast provided by the Hong Kong Observatory to find out the current temperature range in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Observatory offers accurate and up-to-date weather updates, including temperature, humidity, and weather warnings, helping residents and visitors stay informed about the latest weather conditions in the city.
By monitoring the official weather updates from the Hong Kong Observatory, you can get the most reliable and timely information regarding the current temperature range in Hong Kong.
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