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總體來說,根據目前的趨勢和專家觀點,可以預期美國通膨將繼續降溫,這為維持經濟穩定和促進金融市場的發展提供了一定的信心。然而,仍建議密切關注市場動態和相關資訊,以制定適當的投資策略。 3 5 8


根據最新的數據和專家預測,有跡象表明美國的通膨率將繼續下降。根據《晨星》(Morningstar)的報告 30,2024年3月,核心PCE通貨膨脹率為2.8%,比整體通膨率稍高。同時,核心CPI通膨率達到3.8%。這些數據表明,整體通膨可能會緩慢下降。除此之外,《彭博財經》預計,2024年美國的核心通膨率將從2023年的4.1%下降至2.6% 28。同時,私人部門的預測者們預期,2024年通膨率將降至低於2.5% 32

此外,國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)的《世界經濟展望》報告指出,核心通膨預計將以較緩慢的速度下降,並且對於2024年的通膨預測已有上調 31。此趨勢表明,美國的通膨率有望持續下降,但速度可能會因多種因素而有所波動。


What are the factors influencing the future trends of US inflation?

美國通膨的未來走勢受到多個因素影響,這些因素來自多方面,包括經濟活動、貨幣政策、全球經濟環境等。根據國會預算辦公室的報告 36 39,美國的經濟產出以及通貨膨脹率(inflation)是其中重要的影響因素之一。此外,石油價格 42、經濟增長率 41、勞動市場 38、國際經濟環境 38等因素也在其中扮演重要角色。

通膨的預期和預測亦對其未來走勢產生影響。美國聯邦儲備系統指出 43,人們訂定價格和工資時參考通膨率,因此預期和預測通膨率會影響實際通膨水平。此外,石油價格波動、全球經濟活動 37等因素也可能對未來通膨產生影響。


How does the Federal Reserve plan to address the cooling US inflation?

美國通膨的走向是受到多方面因素的影響,其中包括美國聯邦儲備系統(Federal Reserve)的政策措施。根據 51,美國聯邦儲備系統主席Jerome Powell強調了對通脹的警惕,表明他們會審慎評估通脹的變化,並保持較為謹慎的加息策略。此外, 52 指出聯邦儲備系統已經透過提高利率來抑制對商品、服務和勞動力的需求,以應對不斷上升的通脹率。

聯邦儲備系統還透過檢討貨幣政策策略、工具和溝通方式,來應對通脹問題。他們的目標是確保通脹率接近既定目標, 47。然而,對於通脹率的下降,這可能會增加美國和其他國家面臨的風險。


What impact does global inflation have on the US economic outlook?

Global inflation has a significant impact on the US economic outlook, affecting various aspects of the economy. Several experts suggest that the current high inflation levels may continue to moderate in the United States. However, it is essential to consider the broader global economic conditions to understand the potential trajectory of inflation in the US.

According to a report by the World Economic Forum 53, the inflation in the US has influenced the prices of goods and services, leading to increased costs for consumers. While some anticipate a brief economic downturn, the overall impact may not deeply affect the economy. Moreover, rising global inflation has been identified as a key factor contributing to the current economic challenges, influencing economic outcomes in the United States 54.

The Federal Reserve plays a crucial role in monitoring and adjusting monetary policy in response to inflation and economic conditions. Research by the Federal Reserve 59 highlights the uncertainty surrounding global inflation and its economic effects, indicating that inflation shocks can lead to declines in industrial production.

In conclusion, while there are indications that US inflation may gradually ease, the interconnected nature of the global economy suggests that factors such as global inflation rates, supply chain disruptions, and geopolitical events can influence the trajectory of inflation in the United States. Monitoring both domestic and international economic trends is crucial to gaining insights into the potential sustainability
