總的來說,廣東西部沿岸的強雷雨區對香港的天氣有可能帶來影響,因此關注天氣預報和相關警報是非常重要的,以確保個人和公共安全。 2 4 17。
What are the common weather patterns that affect Hong Kong from the western coastal areas of Guangdong?
根據香港天文台的資料 27,在2023年9月,超強颱風Saola曾移動至廣東沿岸水域。這種氣象型態不僅帶來暴風雨,還可能引發洪水和強風等不利天氣條件。同時,來自廣東沿岸的濕潤氣流也可能使香港地區降水增多,導致潮濕和悶熱的天氣。
此外,廣東沿岸的強雷雨區還可能影響香港的空氣質量。根據環境研究 30,此類天氣模式下大氣中的氣膠濃度可能增加,進而影響空氣品質。因此,在這種天氣情況下,特別需要關注空氣污染情況以及可能出現的人們健康問題。
How does the proximity of Hong Kong to Guangdong's western coastal areas impact its weather conditions?
根據《THE SOUTHERN CHINA MONSOON RAINFALL EXPERIMENT》 33的資料顯示,廣東省的西部沿岸地區是一個常見的雷雨區域。這些氣象系統不僅影響廣東的天氣,同時也會向東南延伸至香港地區。當這些強雷雨區形成時,可能會給香港帶來降雨量大、陣雨或雷陣雨等天氣現象。
此外,《The Southern China Monsoon Rainfall Experiment(SCMREX)》 37也提到,雨量超過50毫米的強降雨經常出現在廣東北部,並向東南延伸至香港的海岸地區。這表明廣東西部沿岸的強雷雨區確實對香港的氣候和降雨情況產生了一定的影響。
What is the meteorological relationship between Guangdong's western coastal region and Hong Kong in terms of weather phenomena?
Guangdong's western coastal region and Hong Kong share a close meteorological relationship when it comes to weather phenomena. The strong thunderstorm area along the western coast of Guangdong can indeed have an impact on Hong Kong. According to a study , the clean oceanic wind in Hong Kong is higher in relative humidity (RH) compared to the Pearl River Delta Region. This indicates a potential flow of weather systems from the western coastal region of Guangdong towards Hong Kong.
Additionally, extreme weather events such as typhoons pose a significant risk to both regions. Research on risk assessment of typhoon disaster chains in the Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macau Greater Bay Area highlights the importance of understanding and preparing for these climate risks 43. Furthermore, the spatiotemporal distribution of diseases, such as Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease, in Guangdong can be influenced by weather patterns, as shown in a time-series analysis 40.
Therefore, it is evident that the meteorological relationship between Guangdong's western coastal region and Hong Kong is interconnected, with weather phenomena in one area potentially affecting the other. It is essential for both regions to monitor and analyze these weather patterns to mitigate any potential risks and impacts on the local communities.
... 西部因而受影響;同一時間本港境內亦有零散強雨區發展。第三階段則為下午至晚間,數道強雷雨帶於廣東西部形成,隨後往東移動並影響本港。 地面天氣圖可見,一道低壓槽 ...
Apr 22, 2024 ... 天文台表示,與低壓槽相關的強雷雨區正影響廣東西部沿岸並逐漸向東移動,預料本港今日下午及今晚大致多雲,有驟雨及狂風雷暴,雨勢有時較大。吹輕微至和緩 ...
位於廣東西部的強雷雨區正逐漸向東移動。此外,珠江口一帶亦有零散驟雨發展。預料未來一兩小時本港可能受大驟雨、強陣風及雷暴影響,市民應保持警惕。 受一股活躍西南 ...
Apr 17, 2024 ... 【08:33更新】雷暴警告現正生效。天文台表示,一道低壓槽正影響廣東沿岸地區,與其相關的強雷雨帶正影響廣東西部,並逐漸移向珠江口 ...
coastal areas. The 2930th Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Seminar on Meteorological. Technology, Macau, 20-22 January 2015. Hon, W. Y., and K. K. Hon, 2016: First ...
weather stations (AWSs), Guangdong–Hong Kong–. Macau lightning location ... Guangdong's western coastal region and the Pearl. River delta area (Fig. 2b). Table ...
Jan 1, 2024 ... ... coastal area of China, emerges as a region distinguished by ... Guangdong province, particularly the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.