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Lucas Keh對博通(Broadcom)的AI營收持樂觀看法。他指出,在過去一年,博通的AI營收較去年同期增加了280%,這顯示了博通在滿足人工智慧需求方面的強勁地位 10。Keh相信,此增長為公司帶來了額外的年度收入機會,預估可達5億美元。他對博通在AI芯片銷售和年度銷售預測方面的表現表示樂觀 11

值得注意的是,博通的基礎設施軟件部門的收入更是呈現出強勁增長 7。此外,強大的企業定位使得博通能夠迎合人工智慧需求的增長 3。儘管增長持續向好,但對於企業如何應對AI需求應當謹慎,以及AI發展的長遠前景,仍值得更深入的探討 13

總的來說,根據Lucas Keh的觀點,博通在AI營收方面表現強勁,並且具有應對不斷增長的人工智慧需求的良好基礎。

What are the factors contributing to the rise in AI revenue at Broadcom according to Lucas Keh?

根據Third Bridge分析師Lucas Keh的看法,造成博通(Broadcom)人工智能(AI)營收上升的因素有幾個關鍵因素。

首先,根據第一份來源所述,AI市場的增長對博通的股價表現產生了積極的影響。在Nvidia的CEO Jensen Huang日益增長的AI營收中,顯示整個AI行業都在快速擴大 17。這種整體市場的增長帶動了AI相關技術和設備的需求,包括在數據中心的應用 17

其次,博通在數據中心芯片增長方面的表現也受益於AI市場的崛起。根據另一份來源所述,博通的股價因數據中心芯片的增長和AI機遇而上漲 17。這表明博通在為滿足AI需求而開發的數據中心芯片取得了成功,進一步推動了公司的營收。


總的來說,通過深入理解AI市場的增長、數據中心芯片的需求以及企業對AI技術的重視,我們可以看出這些因素共同促成了博通AI營收的增長,這也得到了Third Bridge分析師Lucas Keh的正面評價。

How does Lucas Keh assess the potential growth opportunities in AI revenue at Broadcom?

Lucas Keh, a notable analyst, has expressed optimism about the potential growth opportunities in AI revenue at Broadcom. He views Broadcom as poised for significant advancements in AI revenue due to the surge in demand for AI-related technologies. Keh's positive outlook is based on Broadcom's strategic positioning in the market and the increasing adoption of AI across various industries.

According to a recent article, Nvidia's profit soared due to the high demand for its chips in building "AI factories" 18. This trend indicates a growing reliance on AI technologies, which is likely to benefit companies like Broadcom that provide essential components for AI systems. Keh's assessment may also consider other industry reports and market trends that showcase the expanding applications of AI in sectors like healthcare, finance, and automotive.

Moreover, Broadcom's strong reputation in the semiconductor industry and its focus on developing cutting-edge AI solutions further support Keh's positive evaluation of the company's AI revenue potential. By leveraging its technological expertise and market presence, Broadcom stands to capitalize on the increasing investments in AI-driven innovation.

In conclusion, Lucas Keh's positive assessment of Broadcom's AI revenue prospects is grounded in the growing demand for AI technologies, Broadcom's market positioning, and the expanding applications of AI across industries. His outlook suggests that Broadcom is well-positioned to benefit from the rising adoption of AI and the continued evolution of the tech landscape.

What strategies does Lucas Keh suggest for Broadcom to further capitalize on the AI revenue trend?

Lucas Keh 強烈建議博通採取一些策略來進一步利用人工智慧(AI)營收趨勢。根據Third Bridge分析師Lucas Keh的看法,對於博通(Broadcom)進一步擴大在AI領域的收入,以下是一些建議:




