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أميركا البروتستانتية قمعت انتشار اليسار لمصلحة الليبراليين
Apr 5, 2024 ... ومع انتهاء عملية إعادة الإعمار، صوّت «الجنوب الصلب» لصالح المرشحين الرئاسيين الديمقراطيين للسنوات الـ44 التالية. ... الرئيس الأميركي السابق دونالد ...
Biden and Trump are the two oldest major-party presidential ...
Mar 13, 2024 ... Donald Trump and Joe Biden are the oldest major-party nominees ever. If re-elected, Joe Biden would be 82 on inauguration day in January of next ...
اﻟﻔﺮﻧﺴﻴﻮن ﻳﻨﻘﺬون أوروﺑﺎ ﺑﺎﻧﺘﺨﺎب ﻣﺎﻛﺮون رﺋﻴﺴﺎ
May 8, 2017 ... اﻟﻔﺮﻧﺴﻲ اﳉﺪﻳﺪ ﻣﻦ ﺑﲔ اﳌﺮﺷﺤﲔ اﻟﺮﺋﺎﺳﻴﲔ. اﻟﻮﺳﻄﻲ إﳝﺎﻧﻮﻳﻞ ﻣﺎﻛﺮون واﻟﻴﻤﻴﻨﻴﺔ ... دوﻧﺎﻟﺪ ﺗﺮاﻣﺐ ﺑﻌﺪ أن ﻻﺣﻆ ﺗﺸـــﺎﺑﻬﺎً ﻛﺒﻴﺮاً ﺑﲔ. ذﻗﻨﻪ واﻟﻀﻔﺪع. وﻧﺸـــﺮ ...
Worried Biden and Trump are too old to be president? Calm down ...
Feb 19, 2024 ... Joe Biden, 81, and Donald Trump, 77, are set to break their own record — set four years ago — as the oldest candidates in U.S. history.
Clinton and Trump are the oldest candidates ever. No one seems to ...
Jul 14, 2016 ... Donald Trump turned 70 last month, and would be the oldest president ever elected if he were to win in November. Hillary Clinton will turn 69 ...
كيف أثر الرأي العام الأمريكي على السياسة الداخلية ؟ - Quora
Apr 11, 2024 ... ما هو رأيك في المرشحين الرئاسيين الامريكين؟ ... ما الفرق ما بين باراك أوباما ودونالد ترامب في السياسة الخارجية للولايات المتحدة الأمريكية من خلال ...
Here are the oldest US presidents to ever hold office – The Hill
Nov 21, 2022 ... Biden was already the oldest president in U.S. history; he hit that ... oldest president elected to office for 140 years until Reagan's election.
رﺳﺎﺋﻞ ﻣﺘﺒﺎدﻟﺔ ﺑﲔ اﻟﺴﻌﻮدﻳﺔ وﺣﺰب اﻟﻠﻪ ﻓﻲ اﻟﻴﻤﻦ وﻟﺒﻨﺎن
Mar 3, 2016 ... ﻟﻜﻲ ﻻ ﻳﻘﻠﻠﻮا ﻣﻦ أﻫﻤﻴﺔ اﻟﻤﺮﺷـــﺢ ﺗﺮاﻣﺐ. وﻗﺎل. ”ﻫﻨﺎك اﺣﺘﻤـــﺎل ﺑﺄﻧﻪ ﻳﺠﺮي ... ودوﻧﺎﻟﺪ ﺗﺮاﻣـــﺐ، ﻋﻦ اﳊﺰب اﳉﻤﻬﻮري، اﻟﺬي. ﻳﻌﺘﺒﺮ أن ﺑﻼده ﻫﻲ ”ﻣﻦ دﻣّﺮ ...
10 Oldest Presidential Candidates in U.S. History -
Aug 25, 2018 ... 10 Oldest Presidential Candidates in U.S. History · 1. Harold Stassen (April 13, 1907 – March 4, 2001) · 2. William Hope Harvey (August 16, 1851 ...
جريمة العصر: الحكام يعدمون لبنان
Mar 16, 2021 ... ففي واشنطن، ال. تزال إدارة الرئيس جو بايدن تبحث عن مسار. بديل لسياسة »الضغط األقصى« التي اتبعها. الرئيس دونالد ترامب مع إيران، وهذا ينعكس.
Biden and Trump are both old. So why are voters keying in on only ...
Sep 15, 2023 ... Biden was the oldest presidential winner ever, when he won in 2020. The ... that Trump doesn't have to do as much as a presidential candidate.
The 10 Oldest U.S. Presidents | National News | U.S. News
Feb 9, 2024 ... President Joe Biden is the oldest president in U.S. history. ... Table of Contents ... States Home to the Most Presidents. Previous
Dec 9, 2021 ... ... المرشحين الرئاسيين لعام 2008، باراك أوباما وجون ماكين. وعندما أطلع ... لترامب حول إيلابس في مسيرة «أنقذوا أمريكا»، فيما يسمى باحتجاجات ...
The 2 oldest presidential frontrunners move closer to a rematch ...
Feb 13, 2024 ... President Joe Biden's age - he's 81 - has become a presidential campaign issue that he and his reelection team are having a hard time shaking ...
عين على سورية
... ___. 69. ﺳﯾﺎﺳﺔ. ﺗراﻣب. ﺑﺎﻟﺷرق. اﻷوﺳط. ﺧﻟﻘت. ﻣﺷﺎﮐل. ﮐﺑرى. ______. 73. ﻧﯾوﯾورك. ﺗﺎﯾﻣز. NYT ...
Biden and Trump are their parties' oldest nominees; age expert says ...
Mar 16, 2024 ... At 81 and 77, Biden and Trump, respectively, are their parties' oldest nominees for the presidency, and concerns about both candidates' age and ...
عن الانتخابات الرئاسية الأميركية المقبلة وعلاقتها بالوضع في سورية ...
... المرشحين الرئاسيين، دونالد ترامب وجو بايدن. من حيث الأسلوب والمضمون، يبرز ... وربما كان “آل أديلسون” أكبر داعمي “ترامب”، لكن حجم دعمهم للحزب الجمهوري أكبر بكثير.
Biden and Trump's health: How old is too old to be president?
Feb 20, 2024 ... ... election will be the oldest pairing of rivals in history. President Biden is 81, and former president Donald Trump is 77. If reelected ...
Biden's age vs the oldest US Presidents and candidates ever | Daily ...
Apr 25, 2023 ... President Joe Biden was 78 years old when he was inaugurated in January 2021, securing him the title of the oldest president in history. He was ...
صفقة إيني« تعيد النفط الليبي إلى مرمى التهديد
Feb 2, 2023 ... دونالد ترامب، العام 2018 بشكل أحادي، مما. دفع طهران للتقدم في تخصيب ... أكبر مني سنا ومقاما، كان لنصحهم. المتصل، والسؤال عني إن غبت دائم وجميل ...
Age-related media coverage of Biden, Trump gets mixed ...
May 23, 2024 ... At age 81, Joe Biden is already the oldest president in American history. But former President Donald Trump, who will turn 78 in June, ...
William Henry Harrison | The White House
... oldest President to be elected at the time. On his 32nd day, he became the first to die in office, serving the shortest tenure in U.S. Presidential history.
ﺻـــﺎﺣـــﺐ اﻟـــﺴـــﻤـــﻮ ﻳـــﻌـــﺰي رﺋـــﻴـــﺲ اﻹﻣــــــ
اﻟﺮﺋﻴﺲ اﻷﻣﺮﻳﻜﻲ دوﻧﺎﻟﺪ ﺗﺮاﻣﺐ ﻣﻦ ﻗﺒﻞ دول. اﻟﺤﺼﺎر ﻟﺘﺨﺮﻳﺐ اﻟﻌﻼﻗﺔ ﺑﻴﻦ اﻟﺪوﺣﺔ ... وﺗﺨﻮﻳﻒ اﻟﻤﺮﺷﺤﻴﻦ اﻟﺮﺋﺎﺳﻴﻴﻦ اﻟﻤﺤﺘﻤﻠﻴﻦ. وﺗـﺤـﺖ ﻋــﻨــﻮان اﻧــﺘــﻘــﺎدات ﻟﻠﺤﻜﻮﻣﺔ ...
What happens if a presidential candidate cannot take office due to ...
Sep 7, 2023 ... Presidential candidates Trump and Biden are the oldest modern presidential candidates we've seen since Ronald Reagan ran for his second term.
These are the 5 oldest U.S. presidents to hold office
Nov 19, 2022 ... Biden took his oath of office in 2021 at age 78. He will become the oldest sitting president as of Sunday, at 80 years old. Ronald Reagan was ...
List of presidents of the United States by age - Wikipedia
Presidential age-related data ; George Washington, Feb 22, 1732 · 57 years, 67 days. Apr 30, 1789, 65 years, 10 days. Mar 4, 1797 ...
As Biden and Trump seek reelection, who are the oldest – and ...
May 1, 2024 ... Joe Biden, at 81, is the oldest American president, a distinction he's held since entering office at age 78. As Biden runs for reelection in ...
The ages of the oldest U.S. presidents during their terms
Feb 29, 2024 ... The oldest U.S. presidents during their terms · President Biden was born on November 20, 1942. He took his oath of office in 2021 at age 78.
The 8 Oldest Presidents in History | HISTORY
Jul 30, 2020 ... Joe Biden was 78 when he took the oath of office as the 46th president of the United States in January 2021. This earned him the spot as the ...
Age at Inauguration | Presidents of the United States (POTUS)
Joe Biden was the oldest president sworn-in at 78 years 61 days. · John F. · After McKinley died, Theodore Roosevelt became the youngest president at 42 years 322 ...
Chronological List of Presidents, First Spouses, and Vice Presidents ...
May 20, 2024 ... Chronological List of Presidents, First Spouses, and Vice Presidents of the United States ; 1814-1817, James Madison, Dolley Madison ; 1817-1825 ...
Double Standard On Age For Trump And Biden? : Consider This ...
Feb 13, 2024 ... On June 14, Donald Trump will turn 78 years old.Joe Biden ... Former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden speak during the first ...
Biden and Trump, though old, are both likely to survive to the end of ...
Mar 18, 2024 ... ... Joe Biden, 81, is too old to serve another term as president. But ... And it turns out that the four-year age difference between Biden and Trump ...
Is there a double standard on age between Trump and Biden? : NPR
Feb 13, 2024 ... Though the two men were born fewer than four years apart, voters have consistently expressed more concern about Biden's age than Trump's. So we' ...
How old are Biden and Trump? How age will impact the 2024 election
Aug 10, 2023 ... The Democratic and Republican frontrunners, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, are the oldest candidates running in the 2024 ...
Why Biden's Age Has Become a Bigger Deal Than Trump's | TIME
Feb 10, 2024 ... Joe Biden is less than four years older than Donald Trump. When Biden became the oldest President to ever be sworn in back in 2021, ...
Do the people who have an issue with Biden's age realize trump is ...
Sep 5, 2023 ... Biden is only three years older than trump, so why do trump and his followers constantly say that Biden is too old to be president? Because they ...
Behind Biden's 2020 Victory | Pew Research Center
Jun 30, 2021 ... ... Joe Biden by 24 percentage points (Biden 59%, Trump 35%). Perhaps reflecting the enduring impact of this long-term age gap, voters ages 30 ...
Why is the age issue hurting Biden so much? Experts explain ...
Feb 13, 2024 ... Separated by just three-and-a-half years in age, President Joe Biden, 81, and former President Donald Trump, 77, are at similar stages in ...
For Biden and Trump, Age Really Is Just a Number - WSJ
Oct 6, 2023 ... Either Donald Trump or Joe Biden would be the oldest person to win the presidency if they prevail in next year's election. At age 77 and 80, ...
Analysis Reveals How Abortion Boosted Democratic Candidates in ...
Nov 11, 2022 ... ... impact on their decision about whether to vote in this year's election. ... Among women voters under age 50, at least half say the decision ...
Highly Negative Views of American Politics in 2023 | Pew Research ...
Sep 19, 2023 ... ... political parties, as well as political leaders and candidates for office. ... influence on decisions made by members of Congress. People in ...
KFF Health Tracking Poll March 2024: Abortion in the 2024 Election ...
Mar 7, 2024 ... ... presidential primaries to the 2024 general election and how the candidates' positions on key voting issues could impact voters' decisions.
Does the Age of a Presidential Candidate Matter to Young Voters ...
May 14, 2015 ... Youth (ages 18-29) have voted for the younger of the presidential candidates ... age may not substantially affect young voters' choice of ...
Elon Poll – April 18, 2008
Apr 18, 2008 ... ... presidential race have little impact on how they vote. With ... While race, gender and age reportedly have minimal effects on voting decisions ...
How younger voters will impact elections: Young Latino voters will ...
May 2, 2023 ... ... voted for the first time in 2022, and a robust 56% of Latinos under the age of 30 voted for the time either in 2020 or 2022. This is an ...
Gender Gap: Voting Choices in Presidential Elections
Impact of Women Public Officials · Political Parties · Women Political Appointees ... *Note that data points for voters by gender and age groups in 2008 and 2012 ...
Elections and Voting | The White House
Originally under the Constitution, only white male citizens over the age of 21 were eligible to vote. ... A presidential election is held every fourth year.
Gender Differences in Voter Turnout
Women have registered and voted at higher rates than men in every presidential election ... Voter Turnout in Presidential Elections by Gender; Voter Turnout in ...
Voting Rights Act (1965) | National Archives
Feb 8, 2022 ... This act was signed into law on August 6, 1965, by President Lyndon Johnson. It outlawed the discriminatory voting practices adopted in many ...

Yes, Donald Trump is not the oldest presidential candidate in history, but he certainly ranks among the oldest. At the age of 77 during the 2020 election, Trump was one of the oldest major-party presidential nominees America has seen. However, he is not the oldest. In fact, current President Joe Biden holds the record as the oldest president in U.S. history, inaugurated at the age of 78 in 2021. This makes Biden even older than Trump. Additionally, there have been other older presidential candidates in history, such as Harold Stassen and William Hope Harvey, whose ages exceeded that of both Biden and Trump.

Moreover, the age of presidential candidates has been a topic of discussion and concern among the public, with some experts analyzing the impact of age on the capability of individuals to handle the responsibilities of the presidency. The advanced age of candidates like Biden and Trump has raised questions about their health and ability to effectively govern, prompting debates on whether age should be a determining factor in presidential elections.

Who were the oldest US presidents to ever hold office?

The oldest presidents to ever hold office in the United States include Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Joe Biden became the oldest president when he took office at the age of 78 30, surpassing the record previously held by Donald Trump. Trump was also one of the oldest presidents during his term, serving at an advanced age 29.

Oldest Presidential Candidates

Joe Biden and Donald Trump stand out as some of the oldest presidential candidates in recent history. Joe Biden entered office at the age of 78, making him the oldest president in U.S. history at that time 30. Donald Trump, on the other hand, was also one of the oldest presidents during his term 29.

Comparing Ages of Presidential Candidates

While both Joe Biden and Donald Trump were among the oldest presidential candidates, Joe Biden holds the title of the oldest president in the United States, having been inaugurated at the age of 78 31. Donald Trump, although not the oldest, was also an older candidate compared to many others in history 29.


In conclusion, while Donald Trump was not the oldest presidential candidate in U.S. history, he did serve as one of the oldest presidents during his term. Joe Biden, on the other hand, holds the distinction of being the oldest president in the history of the United States when he took office at the age of 78.

What is the age difference between Joe Biden and Donald Trump during their respective presidencies?

During their respective presidencies, there was a notable age difference between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Biden became the oldest President to be sworn in at the age of 78 in 2021 37, while Trump was younger at 74 when he was inaugurated. The age gap between the two leaders did raise concerns among voters and analysts alike.

Is Donald Trump the oldest presidential candidate?

Donald Trump was not the oldest presidential candidate in the history of the United States. While he was older than some candidates, such as Joe Biden, who became the oldest President, Trump himself was not the oldest contender for the presidency. There have been other candidates in the past who were older than Trump when they ran for office.

Understanding the Age Dynamics between Biden and Trump

Despite the age gap between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, both candidates were seen as likely to survive to the end of their respective terms 34. The age issue, however, appeared to be more prominent for Biden than for Trump, with voters expressing more concern about Biden's age than Trump's 35. The closeness in age between the two leaders, with Biden being only three years older than Trump, led to discussions around the impact of their age on the 2024 election 40.

By considering these factors, we can see that while the age difference between Biden and Trump was a topic of discussion, Trump was not the oldest presidential candidate in history.

How does the age of presidential candidates impact voters' decisions?

The age of presidential candidates can indeed have an impact on voters' decisions. Research has shown that young voters, in particular, may be influenced by the age of the candidates. According to a study by Tufts University's Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement, young voters between the ages of 18-29 have shown a tendency to vote for the younger candidate 45. However, this factor may not be the sole determiner of their choice, as other issues and candidate attributes also play a significant role.

Importance of Younger Voters in Elections

Younger voters, including Latino voters, have been identified as crucial participants in the electoral process and can significantly impact election outcomes 47. Their voting behavior, which may be influenced by factors like candidate age, can shape the results of the elections.

Gender and Age Factors in Voting Choices

Furthermore, studies have indicated that demographic factors such as gender, age, and race may interact with the candidates' characteristics in influencing voters' decisions 42 48. It is important to consider these demographic dynamics alongside other political and policy issues when analyzing electoral outcomes.

Is Donald Trump the oldest presidential candidate?

No, Donald Trump is not the oldest presidential candidate in history. While age can be a factor in voters' decisions, there have been older candidates who have run for the presidency. It's essential to consider a wide range of factors beyond age when evaluating presidential candidates and their policies.
