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How are rainstorm warning signals classified in Hong Kong?

在香港,暴雨警告信號被分為不同等級以警示民眾。根據香港天文台的資訊,暴雨警告信號主要分為三個級別:黃色、紅色和黑色 28。當預料會有大雨或暴雨時,香港天文台會先向公眾發出黃色暴雨警告信號,這表示有機會出現潮濕的天氣,建議公眾留意天氣變化,特別是出行活動 28

當雨勢逐漸加劇並可能引起交通擁擠或較嚴重的影響時,香港天文台會升級為紅色暴雨警告信號,這時候公眾應該更加警惕,安排好行程以避免風險 28

最嚴重的警告信號是黑色暴雨信號,這表示在短時間內下了非常大量的雨水。當黑色暴雨信號生效時,公眾應該盡量待在安全的地方,避免外出,因為此時可能出現嚴重的交通阻塞和洪水 27


What criteria determine the issuance of a yellow rainstorm warning signal in Hong Kong?


  • 雨量:香港天文台會根據降雨量的情況來評估是否發出警告信號。通常,降雨量會達到一定的強度才會考慮發出警告。
  • 天氣預測:預測未來的天氣情況對於發出警告信號至關重要。如果預測顯示大雨或有可能引發水災,則可能會發出警告。
  • 風力與氣壓:強風和異常氣壓的出現也是發出警告信號的重要參考指標之一。

根據以上條件和指標,香港天文台將綜合評估天氣情況,以確定是否需要發出警告信號,保障市民的安全。如需更具體的信息,您可以參考香港天文台的官方網站或新聞媒體報導 34 35 36

How does the Hong Kong Observatory decide to downgrade a rainstorm warning signal from red to amber?

The Hong Kong Observatory decides to downgrade a rainstorm warning signal from red to amber based on the intensity of the rain and other weather conditions. When the rainfall is particularly heavy and poses a severe threat, the Observatory issues a red rainstorm warning signal. As the weather conditions begin to improve and the rainfall intensity lessens, they may then decide to downgrade the warning to amber.

According to a recent report by South China Morning Post, during a heavy downpour in Hong Kong, the red rainstorm warning was issued by the authorities before being downgraded to amber at 4pm 38. Similarly, in another instance, the Observatory downgraded the red rainstorm warning signal to amber as the heavy rain persisted 41.

The decision to downgrade the warning is crucial as it indicates that the weather conditions are becoming less severe, reducing the potential risks to the public. It allows people to resume their activities with caution while still being mindful of the weather changes.

If you are concerned about the timing of when the yellow rainstorm warning signal is issued, it is recommended to stay updated with the Hong Kong Observatory's official announcements and weather forecasts. They provide timely updates and alerts regarding any changes in the rainstorm warning signals based on the
