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中信兄弟隊在台北大巨蛋的賽事票房一直受到矚目,吸引了大量觀眾。根據報導,中信兄弟隊在大巨蛋的比賽人數有多次突破,例如4月7日的比賽吸引了約13萬2191人進場,而開幕戰則空降了近4萬人 14 20。另外,在近期的比賽中,大部分場次都有超過一萬人的入場觀歷史新高票房的比賽 8

這些數字顯示了中信兄弟隊在台北大巨蛋的比賽中受到了廣泛關注和支持。觀眾的熱情參與也反映了中職聯盟在台灣的受歡迎程度。對於中信兄弟隊來說,吸引如此多的觀眾不僅是一種鼓舞,也為球隊在大巨蛋的主場比賽帶來了更多的動力和支持 2 3 10


What are the attendance records for CPBL games at the Taipei Dome?

根據資料顯示,台北大巨蛋在中華職棒聯盟賽事中吸引了大批觀眾。在2024年3月30日的一場比賽中,共有28,618名觀眾入場,創下了中華職棒單場入場紀錄 23。這一紀錄打破了之前於2003年10月11日的比賽時全台灣中華職棒聯盟所設立的20,500名觀眾入場紀錄 22

此外,CTBC兄弟隊曾於6月14日至16日在台北大巨蛋吸引了69,624名球迷入場觀賽 24。而這支球隊還計劃將台北大巨蛋作為未來的主場球場 25


How do the ticket sales for Yomiuri Giants games compare to other CPBL matchups at the Taipei Dome?


根據台灣媒體報導,Yomiuri Giants隊長久以來一直是受歡迎的球隊,該隊曾於台北大巨蛋舉辦展覽賽來慶祝球隊90週年紀念 27 28。這些比賽吸引了大量觀眾,報導指出其中一場比賽的觀眾人數為37890人 29,顯示了Yomiuri Giants的吸引力。

相較之下,其他CPBL比賽可能人數較少,但台北大巨蛋作為一個知名的棒球場館,吸引了眾多球迷前來觀賞比賽。而Yomiuri Giants作為一支日本知名球隊,在海外比賽時也會吸引當地球迷前來支持,因此其在台北大巨蛋的賽事人數往往較多。

另外,前Yomiuri Giants球員呂明賜曾在台北展覽賽中擔任第一棒,也為比賽增添了一些特別的意義 30。從各方面來看,Yomiuri Giants在台北大巨蛋的比賽吸引了眾多球迷,人數通常較其他CPBL比賽要多。

What factors contributed to the record attendance at the Taipei Dome for CPBL games?

The record attendance at the Taipei Dome for CPBL games can be attributed to several key factors.

Firstly, the performance and record of the teams playing in the games play a significant role in attracting fans to the stadium. When teams perform well, it tends to draw more spectators to the games 35.

Secondly, the novelty and excitement of attending professional baseball games at the Taipei Dome, a state-of-the-art stadium, may have contributed to the increased attendance numbers. The modern facilities and amenities provided by the Taipei Dome offer an enhanced fan experience, making it an attractive venue for baseball enthusiasts.

Moreover, the strategic efforts of sports entrepreneurs and organizations in creating sustainable and engaging sporting events can also help drive higher attendance numbers 36. By focusing on corporate sustainability and engaging with the community, they can generate more interest and participation from the public.

Additionally, the historical context of the Taipei Dome being completed in 2016 highlights the global growth of baseball and its appeal in different regions like Taiwan 34. The completion of the Taipei Dome likely generated excitement and curiosity among fans, leading to a surge in attendance at CPBL games held at the stadium.

In conclusion, a combination of factors such as team performance, stadium quality, sustainable event management, and the global growth of baseball collectively contributed to the record attendance at the Taipei Dome for CPBL games.

How does the attendance at CPBL games in the Taipei Dome compare to historical figures?


根據研究資料 48,台北巨蛋的政治意義與CPBL的出席人數密切相關,通常受到實際人均國內生產總值和其他因素的影響。此外,CPBL在其存在的某一段時間達到了觀眾人數的最高峰,這也反映了球迷對中信兄弟隊賽事的熱情和關注。



