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Mrs. GREEN APPLEの「コロンブス」MVは、新曲のミュージックビデオであり、公開後大きな物議を醸しています。ビデオでは、先住民を猿のように描いたり、西洋文化を教える様子が描かれており、奴隷化や植民地主義を連想させるとして非難を浴びました。この物議を受けて、Mrs. GREEN APPLEはMVを公開停止し、一部のキーワードに関連した意図が誤解を招いたことを謝罪しています。 2 3 4

このビデオは、バンドメンバーがコロンブス、ナポレオン、ベートーヴェンといったキャラクターに扮していることが特徴であり、特に先住民を巡る表現が問題となりました。多くの批判を浴びたことから公開停止となり、バンド側は誤解を招いたことに対し謝罪しています。 20 21

このような反応を受けて、Mrs. GREEN APPLEは一連の騒動を受け、物議を醸すこととなった「コロンブス」MVの内容について再考する必要があるかもしれません。

What caused the controversy surrounding Mrs. GREEN APPLE's 'Columbus' music video?

Mrs. GREEN APPLE's music video for the song "Columbus" stirred controversy due to its perceived insensitive portrayal of historical events related to Christopher Columbus. The video faced backlash for allegedly glorifying colonization and slavery, leading to its withdrawal following public outrage 22 23. The depiction of such sensitive and controversial themes in the video sparked a heated debate about cultural appropriation and historical accuracy.

What is the content of Mrs. GREEN APPLE's 'Columbus' music video?

The content of Mrs. GREEN APPLE's "Columbus" music video appears to have caused controversy due to its portrayal of themes related to colonization and slavery, which were deemed insensitive and controversial 22 23. Although the specific details of the video's content may vary, it seems that the overall narrative and imagery evoked strong reactions from viewers, prompting the band to withdraw the video to address the concerns raised by the audience.

Where can I find information about Mrs. GREEN APPLE's 'Columbus' music video?

Information about Mrs. GREEN APPLE's "Columbus" music video can be found on various online platforms such as official music channels, news articles, and social media discussions 22 23 24. These sources provide insights into the controversy surrounding the video, the reasons for its withdrawal, and the impact it had on both the band and the audience. Additionally, fan discussions and commentary on platforms like YouTube and Reddit may offer more perspectives on the content of the music video and the ensuing debate.

How did Mrs. GREEN APPLE respond to the backlash against their 'Columbus' music video?

Mrs. GREEN APPLE responded to the backlash against their 'Columbus' music video by issuing an apology for the content of the video. The Japanese rock band faced criticism and perceived racism over the video that depicted Columbus, Napoleon, and Beethoven civilizing apes 26. The band acknowledged the concerns raised by the audience and expressed regret for the offensive nature of the video 28.

In addition to the apology, Mrs. GREEN APPLE took action by unpublishing the controversial music video 26. This decision was made in response to the negative feedback and to address the depiction that was considered inappropriate by many viewers. The band's response reflects a commitment to accountability and sensitivity towards cultural representation in their creative work.

Overall, Mrs. GREEN APPLE's handling of the situation demonstrates a willingness to listen to feedback, take responsibility for their content, and make changes when necessary. By apologizing and removing the video, the band showed a proactive approach to addressing the concerns raised by the public.

What cultural considerations should artists take into account when creating music videos like Mrs. GREEN APPLE's 'Columbus'?

When creating music videos like Mrs. GREEN APPLE's 'Columbus,' artists should consider various cultural aspects to ensure respect and authenticity. Some key cultural considerations include:

Cultural Appropriation:

Artists need to be mindful of appropriating elements from other cultures without proper understanding or respect. It's essential to avoid misrepresenting or exploiting cultural traditions, symbols, or practices 29.

Political and Social Issues:

In today's polarized climate, music videos have increasingly addressed social and political issues. Artists should be aware of the impact their visuals and messages can have on viewers regarding sensitive topics 33 35.


The politics of representation in music videos play a significant role in shaping societal perceptions. Artists should consider how they visually represent various cultures, communities, genders, and races, ensuring inclusivity and avoiding stereotypes 37.

Authenticity and Respect:

Maintaining authenticity and showing respect for the cultural elements depicted in the music video is crucial. Artists should strive to collaborate with individuals from the culture they are portraying to ensure accuracy and cultural sensitivity.

By incorporating these cultural considerations into the creation of music videos like 'Columbus,' artists can produce meaningful and impactful
