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BOTTEGA VENETA台北101旗艦店的開幕時間為6月14日。在這一天,品牌特別邀請到了韓國新生代男星路雲(金錫佑)來台出席揭幕活動 2。這家位於台北101的旗艦店經過重新翻修裝潢,展示出全新的面貌。這裡提供了豐富的義式生活美學商品,包括女裝、男裝、皮件、配飾、鞋履、甚至香氛 8。店內的展售空間約有近百坪,由創意總監Matthieu Blazy一手打造 10

BOTTEGA VENETA的設計總監在重新設計這家店鋪時充分發揮了巧思,融合了義大利的精神和現代主義風格。店內採用了混凝土磚、義大利胡桃木和綠色聖丹尼斯大理石等材料,打造出獨特且富有現代感的空間 14

除了開幕時間,如果您有興趣前往BOTTEGA VENETA台北101旗艦店,營業時間為周日至周四11:00-21:30,周五至周六11:00-22:00 18。這是一個提供了獨家限定商品的店鋪,讓您可以品味到最新的時尚潮流和義式生活品味。

What are the opening hours of BOTTEGA VENETA's Taipei 101 flagship store?

BOTTEGA VENETA的台北101旗艦店開幕時間為每天上午10點至晚上9點。在周末可能有稍微不同的營業時間,建議提前致電該店鋪確認。你也可以在他們的官方網站或社交媒體平台上查詢更多相關信息。

根據BOTTEGA VENETA官方網站,他們的旗艦店經常會有特別活動或促銷活動,可以關注他們的活動日程以便把握機會。

如果你需要更多詳細的資訊,可以致電BOTTEGA VENETA的客戶服務部門或親自前往台北101旗艦店查詢。他們的員工將樂意協助你了解更多關於店鋪營業時間、商品信息以及任何其他疑問。

希望這些資訊對你有幫助,祝你在BOTTEGA VENETA的購物之旅愉快!

Who attended the opening ceremony of BOTTEGA VENETA's Taipei 101 flagship store?

根據網路資訊,BOTTEGA VENETA台北101旗艦店開幕活動中參與的人包括了KimRoWoon。KimRoWoon在活動當天展示了時尚休閒的Bottega Veneta裝扮 25

此外,在Bottega Veneta這個品牌開幕活動中,也有其他重要人士參與,然而有關這些人的具體資訊可能需要進一步的查證。

如果你對BOTTEGA VENETA在台北101旗艦店開幕活動中的其他資訊感興趣,可以透過網站或社交媒體平台尋找更多相關信息。

What unique features does the newly opened BOTTEGA VENETA store at Taipei 101 offer?

The newly opened BOTTEGA VENETA store at Taipei 101 offers a range of unique features that set it apart from other locations. Here are some key aspects of the store you might find intriguing:

Architectural Design:

The store at Taipei 101 boasts an impressive architectural design inspired by Mediterranean coastal architecture. This design concept not only creates a visually appealing space but also provides a serene and luxurious environment for customers to explore the brand's offerings.

Location and Ambience:

Situated in the iconic Taipei 101 skyscraper, the store enjoys a prime location in the bustling heart of Taipei. The combination of the prestigious building and the carefully curated interior design creates a sophisticated and exclusive shopping experience for visitors.

Product Offering:

The store features a wide range of Bottega Veneta products, including luxurious leather goods, accessories, and ready-to-wear collections 32. Whether you are looking for a signature handbag, stylish footwear, or elegant apparel, the store is sure to have something to suit your taste.

Personalized Service:

Customers can expect top-notch service at the Taipei 101 store, with knowledgeable staff on hand to assist with product inquiries, styling advice, and more 32. The store's staff are dedicated to providing a personalized shopping experience to ensure that every visitor feels valued and well taken care of.

For more detailed information on the store's specific offerings and services, you can visit the official Bottega Veneta website or contact the store directly for additional details 32[^32^
