根據其中一則報導指出,Fed主席鮑爾指出,決策官員們一致同意決策將取決於數據 2。他們還會根據長期的經濟預測和通膨率來調整政策 3。另一報導提到,Fed在最新經濟預測中預計通膨率將保持在2%的長期平均水平 4。
此外,Fed的官員們也通常會通過利用貨幣政策工具,特別是短期利率,來實現和維持穩定的通膨預期 7。同時,他們也會參考其他機構和經濟學家對未來通膨率的預測,以制定相應的政策 17。
How do Federal Reserve policymakers adjust inflation rate projections?
聯邦儲備局的決策官員調整通脹率預測是一個複雜而重要的過程,通常會參考多種因素以做出最佳決定。根據 28,當評估通脹率時,聯邦儲備局的政策制定者會採取多項步驟。他們會運用最佳的預測,制定對未來經濟走勢的政策。值得一提的是,為了達到價格穩定的目標,聯邦儲備局的政策制定者會將通脹率目標設定為2%。這很大程度上可以在 29中看到。在 27的資料中,可以看到PCE通脹率和核心PCE通脹率都是他們考慮的重要指標之一。
加上聯邦儲備局主席Jerome Powell對通脹預測的描述「有點保守」,這暗示了他們對通脹水準的樂觀預期,也會在調整通脹率預測時扮演關鍵角色。在 30中提到,儘管預計Fed將保持利率不變,但對2024年的減息只會有一次,這反映了他們對未來經濟環境和通脹率變化的看法。綜合這些因素,聯邦儲備局的決策官員將依據最新數據以及對未來經濟發展的預測做出調整,以確保通脹率控制在他們認為符合經濟穩定的範圍內。
What factors influence the Federal Reserve's inflation rate adjustments?
The Federal Reserve adjusts its inflation rate forecasts based on a variety of factors that impact the economy. These factors are carefully considered by the Fed's decision-makers to make informed adjustments:
Economic Indicators: The Federal Reserve closely monitors economic indicators such as employment levels, GDP growth, and consumer spending. These indicators provide valuable insights into the overall health of the economy and help the Fed assess the need for inflation rate adjustments.
Interest Rates: The Federal Reserve uses interest rates as a tool to control inflation. By raising or lowering interest rates, the Fed can influence borrowing, spending, and investment, which in turn affects inflation rates 32.
Market Expectations: The Federal Reserve also considers market expectations when adjusting inflation rate forecasts. Market reactions to factors such as changes in interest rates, economic data releases, and geopolitical events can influence the Fed's decisions.
Global Economic Conditions: The Fed takes into account global economic conditions and their impact on the U.S. economy when forecasting inflation rates. Factors such as international trade, currency exchange rates, and economic stability in other countries can all affect inflation in the U.S.
Monetary Policy Goals: The Federal Reserve's dual mandate is to achieve maximum employment and stable prices. Inflation rate adjustments are made in pursuit of these goals, with a target inflation rate of 2 percent 31.
By considering these factors and their interplay, the Fed's decision-makers are able to adjust inflation rate forecasts to support the health and stability of the economy.
What are the tools used by the Federal Reserve to manage inflation rates?
The Federal Reserve has several tools at its disposal to manage inflation rates effectively. One of the primary tools is the federal funds rate, which is the interest rate at which depository institutions lend reserve balances to other depository institutions overnight 35. By adjusting the federal funds rate, the Fed can influence borrowing and spending in the economy, thereby impacting inflation.
Another crucial tool used by the Federal Reserve is open market operations, through which the Fed buys or sells government securities on the open market to influence the reserves that depository institutions hold at the Fed 37. By buying securities, the Fed injects money into the banking system, increasing lending and economic activity, while selling securities has the opposite effect.
Additionally, the Federal Reserve utilizes the discount rate, which is the interest rate charged by the Fed to depository institutions for short-term loans 37. By changing the discount rate, the Fed can encourage or discourage borrowing, affecting inflation levels.
Moreover, managing people's inflation expectations is essential in controlling inflation 39. By communicating clearly and consistently about its monetary policy decisions, the Federal Reserve can shape how individuals and businesses anticipate future inflation, influencing their spending and investment behavior.
By utilizing these tools in a strategic and coordinated manner, the decision-makers at the Federal Reserve can adjust inflation rate forecasts and work towards maintaining price stability in the economy.
Jan 5, 2024 ... How often does the Federal Reserve collect and publish policymakers' economic projections? ... The longer-run projections are the rates of GDP ...
Jun 14, 2023 ... 6 月決策聲明全文近期指標顯示經濟活動持續以適度的步伐擴張。就業成長近幾個月保持穩健,且失業率仍保持在低點。通膨仍居高不下。
Apr 2, 2024 ... 戴莉3月與其他Fed決策者們投票決定將短期利率目標區間維持在5.25%-5.5%不變,以保持通膨下行壓力,通膨率已從2022年中觸及的高點回落,但仍高於Fed 2%的 ...
貨. 幣傳遞機制已由單向傳遞轉為綿密網絡型. 態,除反映當前經濟金融之快速變化,亦為. 近年央行肩負職責與其政策影響力提高之證. 據。而在當前低利率環境,通膨率長期偏低.
3 days ago ... ... 通膨率預測則上修0.1個百分點,為2.3%。 鮑爾說,所有決策官員都同意的一件事,就是決策將取決於數據,實際上是在暗示利率點狀圖與通膨預估的重要性 ...
May 15, 2024 ... ... FED最有可能的下一步仍然是降息而不是升息,但如果通膨在未來幾個月停止下跌、政策制定者應該採取更為中性的利率立場。 梅斯特指出,美國通膨率若繼續 ...
Apr 8, 2024 ... 這可以清楚看出FED在第二季度可能不會急於調整利率水準。FED官員的講話也一致傳達了這一資訊,即在確認通膨不會重新上揚之前,FED不會實施降息政策。
How inflation, economic growth, Federal Reserve activity, and the housing market affect mortgage rates.