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根據最新數據,AI運算對用電量的需求正在迅速增加。根據某些估計,AI將需要與整個國家相當的電力。一些估算表明,AI目前每年消耗約85至134太瓦時的電力,這相當於阿根廷、荷蘭和瑞典每年消耗的電力量 2。未來,AI甚至可能需要10,000倍的計算能力,對能源消耗造成極大影響 3

值得注意的是,大多數AI任務消耗的電力相對較小,例如分類書面樣本僅需0.002度,生成文本則需要0.047度 4。然而,隨著AI的持續發展和普及,其整體能源需求將呈指數級增長 5。因此,為了應對AI對用電量的不斷增加,各國以及相關企業需要投入更多研究和資源,以發展更高效的AI模型和能源節約技術。

為了應對AI對電力需求的激增,施耐德電機建議重新設計資料中心以應對AI運算挑戰 6。此外,AI開發公司也應重視AI伺服器的電源供應器選擇,以確保系統可靠運行 7


How much electricity does AI computation consume?

AI運算對用電量的需求取決於多個因素,包括硬體設備、模型複雜度和執行時間等。根據一項研究 25,使用生成式AI製作一張圖片所消耗的能源相當於充電您的手機所需的能量。這是由於運行模型時電腦消耗的能量。

AI的電力消耗引起了人們的關注。一些樂觀主義者認為通過增加計算能力,AI的進展將得到提高,而一些悲觀主義者則開始關注AI對電力消耗的影響 24。因此,隨著AI的普及和應用範圍的擴大,對其用電量的需求也相應增加。



What are the key factors influencing the electricity demand of AI operations?

The electricity demand of AI operations is influenced by several key factors:

  1. Rapid Innovation in Artificial Intelligence: The rapid innovation in AI technologies is a major factor behind the skyrocketing demand for electricity in AI operations. As reported by [The Washington Post] 26, the increasing use of AI for various applications is driving up the energy demand.

  2. Energy-intensive Applications: The adoption of energy-intensive applications such as AI is expected to further boost electricity demand. According to [Deloitte Insights] 29, industries leverage AI, including generative AI, throughout their operations, leading to increased electricity consumption.

  3. Energy Requirements of AI: AI systems require significant amounts of electricity to function efficiently. According to [Forbes Business Council] 34, the energy appetite of AI is substantial, and meeting the demand for innovation in AI will require enormous amounts of electricity.

  4. Digitalization and Energy Efficiency: Incorporating digital technologies like AI in energy operations can lead to decreased production costs, which can influence electricity demand. A report by the [IEA] 32 highlights the potential cost savings of up to 10-20% through the use of digital technologies.

By understanding these key factors, stakeholders can better manage and plan for the electricity demand of AI operations to ensure efficient and sustainable energy consumption.

How do large language models in AI impact electricity consumption?

大型語言模型在AI中對電力消耗的影響是相當可觀的。根據一些研究和資料 35 36 37 38 39 40 41,大型語言模型的訓練過程需要龐大的能源支持。例如,一個大型語言模型的訓練單元在運作時每個處理單元消耗超過400瓦的電力 37。而在數據中心中訓練這些人工智慧模型,消耗的電量甚至可能占到全球電力消費的2% 35。這種高電力消耗勢必會帶來不小的能源壓力和環境影響。


有幾個方法可以降低AI對電力的需求。首先,優化大型語言模型的訓練過程,減少不必要的能源浪費是一個重要的方向。其次,使用可再生能源來支援訓練和運行AI模型也是一個環保的方法 41。另外,研究人員也可以考慮開發更節能的硬體設計,以降低AI模型的電力消耗 36



What strategies can be adopted to reduce the energy consumption of AI computations?

To reduce the energy consumption of AI computations, several strategies can be adopted based on insights from various sources.

One key strategy is optimizing energy use through AI algorithms. By leveraging AI, energy consumption can be minimized, leading to a significant reduction in emissions 45. Additionally, advanced AI models can be used to identify opportunities for fuel efficiency and prioritize strategies for emission and cost reduction 46. These models enable benchmarking and scenario analysis to optimize energy management 46.

Furthermore, implementing energy consumption machine learning (ML) solutions can help in decreasing energy costs by optimizing energy usage and reducing waste 47. It is essential to focus on strategic development in energy consumption to achieve a competitive advantage 47.

Data centers, which are heavy energy consumers, can benefit from strategies that balance AI performance and efficiency 48. By implementing expert strategies for maximizing data center energy efficiency, such as optimizing cooling systems and hardware, energy costs can be reduced considerably 49.

Ultimately, by combining these strategies, businesses can achieve a more sustainable approach to AI operations, contributing to reduced energy consumption and lower environmental impact.
