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最後,遵循生產商的使用和充電建議,避免使用不符合規格的充電器或配件,以免造成電池損壞或安全事故。綜合來說,選購安全的鋰電池需要注意產品質量、規格匹配、定期維護以及正確使用和充電,以確保使用過程中的安全性和可靠性。 2 7 10

What are the key safety considerations when buying lithium batteries?

When choosing lithium batteries, there are several key safety considerations to keep in mind to ensure that you are selecting safe and reliable products. Firstly, it is essential to purchase lithium-ion batteries from reputable manufacturers and suppliers to guarantee quality and authenticity. Inspecting the packaging for proper labeling and certifications, such as UN38.3 for transportation safety, is crucial to ensure compliance with safety standards 29. Additionally, checking for any signs of damage, such as dents or leaks, before purchasing lithium batteries is important to prevent potential hazards 31.

Furthermore, it is recommended to store lithium batteries in well-ventilated areas away from excessive heat and humidity 34. Avoid purchasing lithium batteries that show signs of overheating, odor, color change, or abnormal noises, as these could indicate potential safety issues 31. Proper storage and handling of lithium batteries can significantly reduce the risk of fire or explosion incidents 30.

Lastly, familiarizing yourself with safety tips for lithium-ion batteries, including proper usage and storage guidelines, is crucial for ensuring the safe operation of devices powered by lithium batteries 32. By following these safety considerations when purchasing lithium batteries, you can minimize risks and enjoy the benefits of this advanced power source with peace of mind.

How to identify certified and reputable lithium battery manufacturers?



首先,您可以查詢製造商的產品是否標有相關認證標誌。UL提供了針對鋰電池的一系列安全標準和認證服務 38. 例如,UL 1642是針對鋰電池的標準,而製造商可能會通過UL 1642認證。同樣,IATA的CEIV Lithium Batteries認證計劃也是一個重要的認證 41

尋找 FAA 認證

對於航空應用來說,FAA TSO認證也是一個關鍵因素。EarthX是第一家獲得FAA TSO認證的12V鋰電池製造商 42


另一個方面是回收認證。例如,EPA建議將鋰電池交給獲得認可的電子產品回收商處理 43


您也可以查看排名和評價,例如《MANLY》列出了2024年的頂級15家鋰電池製造商 35,這也是選擇認證和聲譽良好的製造商的一個參考來源。


What are the main differences between lithium-ion battery types and their safety implications?


首先,不同的鋰電池類型包括 鋰鐵磷酸鋰(LiFePO4) 和鎳錳鈷(NMC) 電池。LiFePO4 電池通常被認為比 NMC 電池更安全 46。LiFePO4 電池化學結構使其在高溫下更穩定,並且更不容易過熱引發火災等風險 49

其次,NMC 電池相對而言不如LiFePO4 電池穩定,更容易發生熱失控 51。相較之下,LiFePO4 電池的耐高溫性和安全性更好,因此用於特定應用時可更具優勢 45

此外,不同的鋰電池類型還會影響其壽命和循環次數 46。LiFePO4 電池在這方面通常表現更優,具有更長的使用壽命。


  1. 了解需求:根據使用需求選擇適合的鋰電池,考慮到其安全性、壽命和性能等因素。
  2. 查閱詳細資訊:研讀業界比較文章,深入了解 LiFePO4 和 NMC 電池之間的差異 48
  3. 咨詢專業人士:如在選擇過程中有疑慮,可以諮詢專業人士,獲取更專業的建議。
  4. 考慮品牌與應用:選購時考慮知名品牌的產品,並根據應用場景選擇適合的電池類型。


How can consumers ensure the safe handling and disposal of lithium batteries?

To ensure the safe handling and disposal of lithium batteries, consumers can follow a few important guidelines:

Safe Handling:

When handling lithium batteries, it is crucial to follow safety protocols to prevent accidents. Keep the batteries in a well-ventilated, dry area within a temperature range of 40 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit 55. Avoid exposing the batteries to direct sunlight, heat, or moisture, as these conditions can lead to malfunctions 55. Additionally, consumers should be cautious when handling damaged or swollen batteries, as they may pose a higher risk of leaks or overheating 54.


Proper storage of lithium batteries is essential for their longevity and safety. Store the batteries in a cool, dry place away from flammable materials and sources of heat 55. It is recommended to store lithium batteries in a fireproof container for an extra layer of protection 54.


When it comes to disposing of lithium batteries, it is important to recycle them properly to prevent environmental contamination. Many local recycling centers accept lithium batteries for safe disposal. Consumers should never dispose of lithium batteries in regular household waste as they can be hazardous to the environment.

By following these guidelines for safe handling, storage, and disposal of lithium batteries, consumers can help mitigate risks and contribute to a cleaner and safer environment 54 55.
