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ファンケルのTOB価格は1株あたり2690円です。キリンホールディングスは、株式の公開買い付け(TOB)を実施し、この価格で買い付けを行うことを発表しています 2 3 5. このTOB価格は、通常の市場価格よりも43%のプレミアムが付けられており、株主にとっては有利な価格設定となっています 7.

TOB価格は、2024年6月14日に発表されました。この取引は、キリンHDがファンケルを完全子会社化することを目的として行われています 5 7. キリンHDは、約1兆390億円(約13億ドル)という規模のビジネスであるスキンケア企業ファンケルを買収するためにTOBを選択し、TOBに応じて株式の完全取得を目指しています 4 24.

ファンケルのTOB価格が2690円であることから、現在株価はこの価格に収斂する傾向にあります 10. TOBに関連する最新の情報や株価動向に注意を払いながら、投資判断を行うことが重要です。


ファンケルのTOB価格は1株2690円です 27。キリンホールディングスは2024年6月14日に、ファンケルに対して株式公開買い付け(TOB)を2690円で実施すると発表しました。この価格は14日の終値を基準として設定されています。




Why is Kirin Holdings making a tender offer for Fancl?

Kirin Holdings is making a tender offer for Fancl to acquire the remaining shares of the company and make it a wholly-owned subsidiary. This move is part of Kirin's strategic expansion plans in the cosmetics and health food market. Kirin initially acquired 33% of Fancl in 2019, and now aims to purchase the rest of the shares through a tender offer and share warrants 32. By acquiring Fancl, Kirin aims to strengthen its presence in the skincare and nutritional supplement sectors, leveraging Fancl's expertise and market position 35.

What is the TOB price for Fancl?

The tender offer price for Fancl has been set at approximately 210 billion yen (equivalent to $1.8 billion) by Kirin Holdings 33. This price reflects Kirin's valuation of Fancl and its willingness to invest in the company to fully integrate it into its operations. The TOB price is determined based on various factors, including the current market conditions, Fancl's financial performance, and the strategic value of the acquisition to Kirin Holdings.

By making this tender offer, Kirin aims to solidify its position in the cosmetics and health food market by fully integrating Fancl into its business operations, leveraging the strengths and resources of both companies for mutual growth and success.

What is the total purchase price for Kirin's bid to acquire full ownership of Fancl?

Kirin's total purchase price for acquiring full ownership of Fancl is approximately 220 billion yen. This bid by Kirin represents a significant shift away from its traditional beer business towards the health food and wellness sector. The acquisition of Fancl is seen as a strategic move to enhance Kirin's earning capacity by strengthening its presence in the health food market 36 37 38.

Understanding the Total Purchase Price

The 220 billion yen represents a substantial investment by Kirin to acquire the remaining two-thirds of shares of Fancl that it does not already own. The purchase price also reflects a premium of 40-43% on Fancl's Thursday closing price, indicating Kirin's commitment to securing full ownership of the supplement maker 36 37 38.

Implications of the Acquisition

By acquiring Fancl, Kirin aims to implement more flexible and drastic measures to integrate the operations of both companies. This move is part of Kirin's strategic realignment towards the health and wellness sector and diversifying its business beyond the beer industry 37.


In summary, the total purchase price for Kirin's bid to fully acquire Fancl is 220 billion yen. This acquisition highlights Kirin's strategic shift towards the health food market and signifies a significant investment in expanding its presence in the wellness industry.
