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What is the address of 茶六燒肉堂 in Tainan, Taiwan?

The address of 茶六燒肉堂 in Tainan, Taiwan can be found at the following location: 台南市安平區永華路二段551號. This establishment is known for its delicious offerings and cozy ambiance in the heart of Tainan.

If you are looking to visit the 茶六燒肉堂 branch in Tainan, you can head to 台南市安平區永華路二段551號. This address is where you can experience the mouth-watering dishes and welcoming atmosphere that the restaurant is known for. Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy a delightful dining experience at 茶六燒肉堂 in Tainan, Taiwan.

For more information and details about the restaurant's menu, reservation policy, and operating hours, you can visit their official Facebook page or platforms like OpenTable, where you can explore more about the restaurant and read reviews from other guests who have dined there.

Enjoy your visit to 茶六燒肉堂 in Tainan, Taiwan and savor the tasty offerings that await you at 台南市安平區永華路二段551號.

What are the specialties or recommended dishes at 茶六燒肉堂 in Tainan?

At 茶六燒肉堂 in Tainan, also known as Cha Liu BBQ, there are several specialties and recommended dishes that you should try. One of the must-try dishes is the "豬油拌飯" (rice mixed with lard), which is a flavorful and indulgent option that is popular among visitors. Another recommended dish is the "阿堂鹹粥" (Ah Tang savory congee), known for its rich and comforting flavors. Both of these dishes showcase the delicious and comforting flavors that 茶六燒肉堂 is known for.

Apart from these specialties, you can also explore other dishes on the menu, such as their grilled meats and other traditional Taiwanese delicacies. The restaurant is known for its cozy ambiance and friendly service, providing a great dining experience for both locals and tourists alike.

If you are planning to visit 茶六燒肉堂 in Tainan, it is advisable to make a reservation in advance as the restaurant tends to be busy and popular among food enthusiasts. Early booking ensures that you can enjoy their delectable dishes without any hassle. So, be sure to savor the unique flavors and warm hospitality that this restaurant has to offer. Enjoy your dining experience at 茶六燒肉堂 in Tainan! 37.

Are there any reviews or ratings available for 茶六燒肉堂 in Tainan?

Certainly! There are some reviews and ratings available for 茶六燒肉堂 in Tainan. One review on OpenTable gave it a perfect 5-star rating for overall experience, food, service, and ambience 45. Another source on TripAdvisor also showcases 52 candid photos and videos of the restaurant 46. Moreover, the company has received a high rating of 5.0 on job recruitment platforms, indicating positive feedback from employees 47.

Insights into Customer Experience and Employee Feedback

The reviews highlight the exceptional quality of food, service, and atmosphere at 茶六燒肉堂 in Tainan. Based on feedback from both diners and employees, it seems to be a popular choice for those seeking a delightful dining experience or considering employment opportunities 45 46 47.

Consider Exploring New Locations

Additionally, if you are interested in exploring new dining options in Tainan, you may also want to check out the newly opened stores in the area. The restaurant has been expanding its presence, making it a significant player in the local dining scene 50.

Finding More Information

For more detailed insights from interviewees regarding the company's work environment and management, you can refer to specific reviews on recruitment platforms like 104 49.

By referring to these sources, you can get a well-rounded understanding of the customer experience, ratings, and overall reputation of 茶六燒肉堂 in Tainan.

What are the operating hours of 茶六燒肉堂 in Tainan?

茶六燒肉堂位於台南的營業時間為早上11:00至凌晨02:00,最後收客時間為半夜00:30 55。這家餐廳提供從早到深夜的用餐選擇,讓顧客可以在不同時間段享用美味的燒肉料理 55


若想在茶六燒肉堂安平永華店訂位,您可以使用線上訂位系統 52。只需選擇您想要用餐的日期、時間和人數,即可完成線上訂位。此外,在訂位前,您也可以查看菜單和營業時間以做好預先準備 53


如果您對輕井澤台南店茶六燒肉堂的招募信息感興趣,可以參考相關工作職缺。他們有招募內場計時人員和早班內場廚助,工作時間及薪資待遇都清楚列出 54 56。若符合條件,您可以依照招募方式提交履歷並等候通知安排面試或工作安排。


若您想了解茶六燒肉堂台南分店的外觀,建議您前往該分店的Facebook專頁觀看。通過專頁上的照片和貼文,您可以更直觀地認識茶六燒肉堂台南分店的外觀和氛圍 51

Is there a menu available online for 茶六燒肉堂 in Tainan?

Yes, there is a menu available online for 茶六燒肉堂 in Tainan. You can find the online menu on the official website of 野村燒肉餐飲集團 58. This restaurant group provides a variety of delicious dishes, including their signature grilled meat options. The menu allows customers to browse through the offerings and make informed decisions before dining at the restaurant.

In addition to the menu, you can also explore more about 茶六燒肉堂 on their Instagram account 59. The Instagram page features photos and videos that showcase the delicious dishes served at the restaurant, giving you a visual preview of what to expect.

If you are planning to visit the 茶六燒肉堂 in Tainan, you can check out online reservations options available on platforms like OpenTable. For example, you can find details about the restaurant, read reviews, view the menu, and even make reservations online through platforms like OpenTable.

Overall, by utilizing these online resources, you can get a comprehensive overview of the menu offerings at 茶六燒肉堂 in Tainan and plan your dining experience accordingly.
